Saturday, February 27, 2010

high, low

one of the best reflection tools i took away from my time as a volunteer was "high, low" around the dinner table with my fellow volunteers. in short, a simple way to express what went well and not so well about your day. so with that, my high/low:

Wednesday High: I went to a local cyber (that's pronounced theeber for all of your Spaniards out there) to print off a few things before classes today and as I walked in there was a little girl, no older than 3-4 years-old with head phones on and dancing to whatever was playing. I sat down next to her and she just danced and danced. As I waited for my stuff to print we exchanged high fives and fist pumps and when I left she screamed "CHAOOOOOO" out the door. Really funny.

Wednesday Low: I prepared for the wrong class today and I realized that as my students walked in with a different book (to clarify, these are my two-hour classes at the bank with adults). Luckily the first half of class was the same, so I was only left scrambling for the second half. But still that kinda sucked. I left class feeling like my students felt like I wasted their time or something. First real low in a while. The hardest part about my schedule is that while I'm only teaching 20 hours a week, its 12 different classes in 8 different locations. At times I feel like all I do is teach, prepare, go to the cyber to print worksheets, repeat. But I'm sure you can all relate in some fashion. Anyway, PTL for work.

peace and love.

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